Peer Reviewed Articles by Theme
Williams, M. L., Burnap, P. & Sloan, L. (2017) ‘Towards an ethical framework for publishing Twitter data in social research: taking into account users’ views, online context and algorithmic estimation’, Sociology, Available here
Alsaedi, N., Burnap, P. and Rana, O. (2016) ‘Automatic Summarization of Real World Events Using Twitter’, Proceedings of the Tenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2016). May 17-20, Cologne, uauermany. Available online here
Scourfield, J., Colombo, G., Burnap, P., Jacob, N., Evans, R., Zhang, M. and Williams, M. L. (2016) ‘The response in Twitter to an assisted suicide in a television soap opera’, Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention. Available online here
Burnap, P., Colombo, G. and Scourfield, J. (2015) ‘Machine Classification and Analysis of Suicide-Related Communication on Twitter’, Proceedings of 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext 2015). Sep 1 – 4, Cyprus. Available online here
Colombo, G., Burnap, P., Hodorog, A. and Scourfield, J. (2015) ‘Analysing the connectivity and communication of suicidal users on Twitter’, Computer Communications. Available online here
Alsaedi, N., Burnap, P. and Rana, O. (2015) ‘Identifying Disruptive Events from Social Media to Enhance Situational Awareness’, Proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2015), presented at International Symposium on Foundations of Open Source Intelligence and Security Informatics (FOSINT 2015) (collocated event). Aug 26 – 27, Paris, France. Available online here
Alsaedi, N. and Burnap, P (2015), ‘Arabic Event Detection in Social Media’ International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2015). Cairo, Egypt
Burnap, P., Pauran, N., Rana, O and Bowen, P. (2014) ‘Towards Real-time Probabilistic Risk Assessment by Sensing Disruptive Events from Streamed News Feeds’, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2014), July 2-4, Birmingham UK (available online here)
Alsaedi, N., Burnap, P. and Rana, O. (2014) ‘A Combined Classification-Clustering Framework for Identifying Disruptive Events’, Proceedings of 7th ASE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2014), May 27-31, Stanford, CA, USA (available online here)
Burnap, P., Rana, O., Avis, N.(2013), ‘Making Sense of Self Reported Socially Significant Data Using Computational Methods’, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Special Issue on Computational Social Science: Research Strategies, Design and Methods. Volume 16:2. Available online here
Awan, M.A., Burnap, P., and Rana, O. (2016) ‘Identifying Cyber Risk Hotspots: A Framework for Measuring Temporal Variance in Computer Network Risk’, Computers & Security. Vol. 57, pp. 31-46. Available online here
Cherdantseva, Y., Burnap P., Blyth, A., Eden, P., Jones, K., Soulsby, H., Stoddart, K. (2016) ‘A Review of cyber security risk assessment methods for SCADA systems’, Computers & Security. Vol. 56, pp. 1-27. Available online here
Awan, M.S.K., Burnap, P. and Rana, O.F. (2015) ‘Estimating Risk Boundaries for Persistent and Stealthy Cyber-Attacks’, Proceedings of 22nd ACM Conferences on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2015) as part of co-located ‘SafeConfig 2015: Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense’. October 12-16, Denver, CO, US
Burnap, P., Javed, A., Rana, O.F. and Awan, M.S. (2015) ‘Real-time Classification of Malicious URLs on Twitter using Machine Activity Data’, Proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2015), presented at International Symposium on Foundations of Open Source Intelligence and Security Informatics (FOSINT 2015) (collocated event). Aug 26 – 27, Paris, France. Available online here
Rahulamathavan, Y., Rajarajan, M., Rana, O.F., Awan, M.S.K, Burnap, P. and Das, S.K. (2015) ‘Assessing Data Breach Risk in Cloud Systems’, Proceedings of 7th IEEE Internatio al Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Services (CloudCom 2015). November 30 – December 3, Vancouver, Canada.
Awan, M.S.K., Burnap, P. and Rana, O.F. (2015) ‘An Empirical Risk Management Framework for Monitoring Network Security’, Proceedings of 13th IEEE Conference on Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2015). October 28-28, Liverpool, UK
Awan, M.S.K., Burnap, P. and Rana, O.F. (2015) ‘Estimating Risk Boundaries for Persistent and Stealthy Cyber-Attacks’, Proceedings of 22nd ACM Conferences on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2015) as part of co-located ‘SafeConfig 2015: Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense’. October 12-16, Denver, CO, US
Awan, M.S.K., Burnap, P. and Rana, O.F. (2015) ‘A Classification Framework for Distinct Cyber-Attacks based on Occurrence Patterns’, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2015). September 8-10, Sochi, Russia.
Sowriraghavan, A. and Burnap, P. (2015) ‘Prediction Of Malware Propagation And Links Within Communities In Social Media Based Events’, Proceedings of ACM Conference on Web Science (WebSci 2015). Jun 28 – Jul 1 Oxford, UK
Eden, P., Blyth, A., Burnap, P., Cherdantseva, Y., Jones, K., Soulsby, H., and Stoddart, K (2015) ‘A Forensic Taxonomy of SCADA Systems and Approach to Incident Response’, 3rd International Symposium for ICS & SCADA Cyber Security Research 2015 (ICS-CSR 2015). Sep 17-18 Ingolstadt, Germany
Al Said, T., Rana, O and Burnap, P. (2015), ‘VMInformant: An Instrumented Virtual Machine to support Trusthworthy Cloud Computing’, International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN) (in press)
Williams, M.L., Levi, M., Burnap, P. and Gundur, R.V. (2017), ‘Under the Corporate Radar: Examining Insider Business Cybercrime Victimization through an Application of Routine Activities Theory’. Deviant Behavior. Available online here
Williams, M. L. and Levi, M. (2017) ‘Cybercrime prevention’. In: Sidebottom, A. and Tilley, N. eds. Handbook of Crime Prevention and Community Safety (2nd edition). London: Taylor & Francis. Available online here
Burnap, P. & Williams M. L. (2017) ‘Classifying and modeling cyber hate speech: research and opportunities for practical intervention’, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cyber Deviance Detection (CyberDD) in conjunction with 10th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2017), Available here
Décary-Hétu, D. and Giommoni, L. (2017), ‘Do police crackdowns disrupt drug cryptomarkets? a longitudinal analysis of the effects of Operation Onymous’. Crime, Law and Social Change. Vol. 57, pp. 31-46. Available online here
Burnap, P. and Williams, M. L. (2016) ‘Us and them: identifying cyber hate on Twitter across multiple protected characteristics’. EPJ Data Science. Available online here
Webb, H., Burnap, P., Procter, R., Rana, O., Stahl, B., Williams, M. L., et al. (2016) ‘Digital wildfires: propagation, verification, regulation, and responsible innovation,’, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 17(2), 34 (3) , 15. Available here
Levi, M., Doig, A., Gundur, R., Wall, D. & Williams, M. L. (2016) ‘Cyberfraud and the implications for effective risk-based responses: themes from UK research’, Crime, Law and Social Change, Available here
Webb, H.M., Burnap, P., Procter, R., Stahl, B., Williams, M.L. et al. (2016) ‘Digital wildfires: propagation, verification, regulation and responsible innovation’, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 34 (3), Article: 15. Available online here
Williams, M. L. (2015) ‘Guardians upon high: an application of routine activities theory to online identity theft in Europe at the country and individual level’, British Journal of Criminology. Available online here
Webb, H., Jirotka, M., Stahl, B., Procter, R., Williams, M., Rana, O. and Burnap, P. et al. (2015) ‘Digital wildfires: hyper-connectivity, havoc and a global ethos to govern social media’, Computers and Society Vol. 45:3. Available online here
Williams, M. L. and Burnap, P. (2015) ‘Cyberhate on social media in the aftermath of Woolwich: A case study in computational criminology and big data’. British Journal of Criminology. Vol 55:5. Available online here
Levi, M., Doig, A., Gundur, R., Wall, D., & Williams, M.L. (2015) ‘The Implications of Economic Cybercrime for Policing’, City of London Corporation. Available online here
Burnap, P., Rana, O., Avis, N., Williams, M., Morgan, J and Sloan, L. et al. (2015) ‘Detecting Tension in Online Communities with Computational Twitter Analysis’, Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 95. Available online here
Burnap, P., Williams, M.L., Sloan, L., Rana, O. et al. (2014), ‘Tweeting the Terror: Modelling the Social Media Reaction to the Woolwich Terrorist Attack’, Social Network Analysis and Mining 4:2 Available online here
Burnap, P. and Williams, M. (2015) ‘Cyber Hate Speech on Twitter: An Application of Machine Classification and Statistical Modeling for Policy and Decision Making’, Policy & Internet. 7:2. Available online here
Williams, M. L. and Wall, D. S. eds. (2014) Policing cybercrime: networked and social media technologies and the challenges for policing. London: Routledge. Available online here
Williams, Burnap, P., Rana, O., Avis, N., Morgan, J., Sloan, L. et al. (2013), ‘Policing Cyber-Neighbourhoods: Tension Monitoring and Social Media Networks’, Policing & Society. Volume 23:4
Levi, M. and Williams, M. L. (2013) ‘Multi-agency partnerships in cybercrime reduction: Mapping the UK information assurance network cooperation space.’ Information Management & Computer Security Vol 21:5. Available online here
Wall, D. S. and Williams, M. L. (2013) ‘Policing cybercrime: networked and social media technologies and the challenges for policing.’ Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy Vol. 23:4 Available online here
Williams, M. L. and Hudson, K. J. (2013) ‘Public perceptions of internet, familial and localised sexual grooming: predicting perceived prevalence and safety.’ Journal of Sexual Aggression 19(2) Available online here
Williams, M. L. and Levi, M. (2012) Perceptions of the eCrime controllers: modelling the influence of cooperation and data source factors. Security Journal Available online here
Williams, M. L. (2006) Virtually criminal: crime, deviance and regulation online. London: Routledge. Available online here
Williams, M. L. and Wall, D. S. (2007) Policing Diversity in the Digital Age: Maintaining Order in Virtual Communities. Criminology and Criminal Justice Vol. 7:4. Available online here
Williams, M. L. (2007) Policing and cybersociety: the maturation of regulation within an online community. Policing and Society Vol. 17:1 Available online here
Alsaedi, N., Burnap, P. & Rana, O. (2017) ‘Can we predict a riot? Disruptive event detection using Twitter’, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 17(2), article number: 18. Available here
Berlusconi, G., Aziani, A. and Giommoni, L. (2017) ‘The determinants of heroin flows in Europe: a latent space approach’, Social Networks. Available online here
Giommoni, L., Aziani, A. and Berlusconi, G. (2017) ‘How do illicit drugs move across countries? A network analysis of the heroin supply to Europe’, Journal of Drug Issues. 47(2), pp. 217-240. Available online here
Williams, M., Burnap, P. and Sloan, L. (2016) ‘Crime sensing with big data: the affordances and limitations of using open source communications to estimate crime patterns’. British Journal of Criminology. Available online here
Alsaedi, N., Burnap, P. and Rana, O. (2016) ‘Sensing Real-World Events Using Arabic Twitter Posts’, Proceedings of the Tenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2016). May 17-20, Cologne, Germany. Available online here
Williams, M. L. and Tregidga, J. (2014) ‘Hate crime victimisation in Wales: psychological and physical impacts across seven hate crime victim-types’. British Journal of Criminology Vol 54:5. Available online here
Williams, M. L. and Tregidga, J. (2013) Time for Justice: All Wales Hate Crime Research Report, Race Equality First & Cardiff University. Available online here
Sloan, L. (2017) ‘Who tweets in the United Kingdom? Profiling the Twitter population using the British social attitudes survey 2015’, Social Media + Society, Available here.
Conejero, J., Rana, O., Burnap, P., Morgan, J., Carrion, C and Caminero, B.(2015) ‘Characterising the Power Consumption of Hadoop Clouds – A Social Media Analysis Case Study’, Future Generation Computer Systems
Sloan, L. and Morgan, J. (2015) ‘Who Tweets with Their Location? Understanding the Relationship Between Demographic Characteristics and the Use of Geoservices and Geotagging on Twitter’, PLoS ONE 10(11): e0142209. Available here.
Sloan, L., Morgan, J., Burnap, P., and Williams, M (2015) ‘Who Tweets? Deriving the Demographic Characteristics of Age, Occupation and Social Class from Twitter User Meta-Data’, PLoS ONE 10(3): e0115545. Available here
Burnap, P., Rana, O., Williams, M. et al. (2014) ‘COSMOS: Towards an Integrated and Scalable Service for Analyzing Social Media on Demand’, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS). Available online here
Sloan, L., Morgan, J., Williams, M., Burnap, P., and Rana, O. et al. (2013) ‘Knowing the Tweeters: Deriving Sociologically Relevant Demographics from Twitter’, Sociological Research Online. Volume 18:3. Available here